"A constitutional question from Osaka
On February 6, Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto issued an order to all Osaka City employees compelling them to disclose personal information concerning labor-union activity, their support for political candidates, and other sensitive matters. If this order is allowed to stand it would be a terrible step backward in Japan's development as a democratic society.
Of course, the notion that members of a democratic society may not be compelled to disclose this kind of information will strike most readers as a simple matter of common sense. But more than just a matter of common sense, this is a fundamental right. History shows that people have had to fight hard to protect this right from governmental interference.
Readers who are familiar with American history may be aware of several episodes which involved similar attacks on personal privacy and freedom of association.
Perhaps the best-known example occurred in the early years of the Cold War when U.S. congressional committees led by Senator Joseph McCarthy and others ordered actors, writers, academics and other prominent persons to disclose their political histories. These heavily publicized investigations would later be called "witch hunts" because they were driven by a hysterical fear of communism that gripped the United States in that era.
In Mayor Hashimoto's order requiring employees to disclose their political activities, he declares that "this questionnaire is not a voluntary matter. It requires factually correct responses from all employees by order of the Mayor. In cases where responses are not true, penalties may be applied." "
Men herregud! Spring baklänges med bindel förihelvete Japan!!!
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